2024 Hunting -
The Sportsman's Club Hunting
Grounds are for our club members
only - sorry No guests allowed. Members must carry their membership cards at all times. Park only in
designated areas (parking lot).
All Deer Stand/Blinds must be removed from property once Deer
Season Ends! Please remove your Deer Stands asap... They must be removed at the
end of the designated season.
All hunters must sign in at the Main Gate - Hunters
Sign In Station.
We have property on both sides of Rt 35. We check
the logs daily, you must check in and check out at the end of the day.
Hunting Rules
will be posted at the Hunting Sign In Station and on this
Click here to view the Hunting Rules in the FMC Membership Rules and Regulations
**click back button to return to web site**
Please remember = WV State/DNR rules apply at our
club - a hunting license is required. Refer to the link at the end
of the page for more info and game seasons.
Hunting Season
and Park AT THE MAIN GATE (exception - Rt 35 access area).
A map of the
hunting areas will be located in the Hunters Sign In Station. Please complete
the forms provided so that game may be tracked and for the safety of our
members. If an emergency would occur, we would know what zone/area your hunting in.
Archery, Rifle and Skeet Ranges will be closed during the rifle deer season. To ensure the safety of all hunters the Rifle/Gun Range
and Skeet Range gates will be locked and access not granted during this time period. Please park in the main parking lot. Please remember that all state hunting rules apply at our club. HUNT SAFELY
Please remember that all state hunting rules apply at our club. HUNT SAFELY
Hunting Committee Chairperson
email [email protected]